Martin Luther King Jr. his fight for black rights
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Martin Luther King Jr. fought for black rights in the USA by peaceful means. Non-violence was central to his struggle. He was eventually shot. The man who fought a cause by non-violent means was killed by violence. It was his ability to convey his thoughts through words and speeches that was so special. His speaking skills were great. His words brought together millions of Americans and conveyed thoughts and dreams of a society without racial divisions. His fight against the US war in Vietnam was also central. He had a dream.
Martin Luther King Jr. and his dream
“I have a dream,” he said in a famous speech. It was in a USA where the differences between whites and blacks were huge. Where racial segregation in practice existed. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister. The Christian foundation was fundamental in his non-violent fight for black rights. A key incident was when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white person in 1955. The incident took place in Alabama. This incident led to the so-called Montgomery bus boycott in Alabama in 1955-56. An action group among Alabama’s activists for equal rights between whites and blacks was formed. The group was named the “Montgomery Improvement Association” and Martin Luther King Jr. became its leader. In his first speech as leader, he said, among other things:
We have no other option than to protest. For many years, we have shown amazing patience. Sometimes we have given our white brothers the feeling that we liked the way we were treated. But we come here tonight to be rescued from that patience which makes us patient with everything but freedom and justice. rettferdighet.
One year the action against racial segregation in Alabama’s buses continued. He continued as leader even though his family’s house was blown up with dynamite and his own safety was threatened. After a year, the action produced the desired result. After the incident, he believed it was time to start a national movement, especially in the southern states where the racial divide was still great.
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Now the “Southern Christian Leadership Conference” was started. This was to be an organization for all the southern states in the USA. He became the leader of the movement and constantly spoke at meetings and conferences. The organization also arranged large public meetings and marches to promote its cause. At all times, violence was not the basis for these marches.
One of these celebrations was the March on Washington for Freedom and Jobs. This took place on August 28, 1963. The march gathered about 250,000 participants and was aimed at Congress’s consideration of laws for equal rights between colored and white people. As a result, legislation was passed in 1964 prohibiting racial discrimination. “The Voting Rights Act of 1965 prohibited discrimination in elections. The act secured the right of minorities to vote in elections. “The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a general law that prohibits discrimination based on national origin, race and gender.
It was during the March on Washington that he gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. This speech is the most iconic of all the speeches he gave. His ability to allow his voice to engage those listening was unparalleled. In the days before the internet and social media, it was TV that conveyed messages to the masses. His speaking skills were therefore hugely important.
The murder
On March 28, 1968, King went to Memphis to support striking workers who had been on strike for some time. The reason for the strike was that the workers were sent home because storms caused businesses to close. Black workers were paid for two hours, while white workers were paid for the whole day. King was in Mamphis for a few days. A flight delay meant that he and his entourage had to stay an extra night.
Martin Luther King Jr. was shot when he was out for a walk on the balcony of the hotel. James Earl Ray was arrested for the murder. He escaped to England, but was caught and extradited to the USA. There, he confessed to the murder and therefore escaped the death penalty. Ray was sentenced to 99 years in prison. There are many conspiracy theories linked to the murder. King’s family claims that Ray is innocent and that the real killer is Lieutenant Earl Clark.
Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered for his fight for black rights and for his fight for minority rights in general. His speaking skills were immense. The use of non-violence is part of his DNA. He received great attention for his work. Among other things, he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. His name will forever be central to US history.