Norway declared an unfriendly country
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Russia has declared Russia an unfriendly country. As a Norwegian, I take this as a great honor. It is a disaster to be considered a friendly country. Being declared an unfriendly country has little significance in a relationship that is already at a minimum level of contact between the countries.
Most people thought Norway was already on this list. Norway’s inclusion on the list now is almost certainly a result of Norway expelling 15 so-called diplomats at the Russian embassy in April. Norway classifies these as intelligence officers. These were directly connected to various intelligence organizations in Russia.
Being declared an unfriendly country means that there are restrictions on the number of Russian citizens who can be affiliated with the Norwegian embassy and consulates, as well as other government organisations. This has been very limited since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and is unlikely to have much practical significance.
Before the invasion of Ukraine, Norway and Russia had a good cooperation. Especially in the north, where the management of common fish stock was important. The cooperation between the countries was considered unprecedented at the time. After the attack on Ukraine, contact has been at a minimum.
Rather unfriendly than friendly country
As I said in the introduction. I take it as an honor that Norway is an unfriendly country of Russia. “Tell me who you’re with and I’ll tell you who you are”. This is a Norwegian proverb. If a list of friendly countries exists, it will be rather short, but will include countries such as Eritrea, North Korea, Syria, Iran and of course Belarus. What they have in common is that they are governed by the exact opposite principles of those I want.
The background to Russia’s list is, of course, the international condemnation of the attack on neighbouring Ukraine. In Ukraine, the same is experienced as has been experienced in other places, such as Syria and Africa. Russian forces, often disguised as the Wagner group, commit war crimes. Killing of civilians, torture and rape.
It is up to Russia itself to decide what relations they want with Europe. If Putin wants a better relationship, he himself knows what needs to be done. Then, in the first instance, Russian forces must be withdrawn completely from the territory of Ukraine. Meanwhile, I am proud to live in a country that Putin’s regime labels as unfriendly.
Новости – Правительство России (
15 etterretningsoffiserer ved Russlands ambassade i Oslo erklæres uønsket i Norge –