Extreme weather is something we have to get used to
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We are getting more used to extreme weather. In the summer of 2021, there were floods and enormous destruction in Europe. In the summer of 2022, an extreme heat wave with temperatures well above 40 degrees in several places. Extreme drought in Africa, the Middle East and parts of Asia. We experience extreme weather in America, tropical storms are more common, so are heat waves. Something must be done about man-made climate change. It must be done now, we have no time to lose.
The USA, China and Europe have a special responsibility for extreme weather
We can see which countries are emitting the most greenhouse gases today. The USA tops, China emits somewhat more than the EU, but slightly less than Norway. Therefore, it is these areas that must contribute the most. So far, China has gotten away with it. Those who emit the most must cut emissions the most, it’s that simple.
All the reports we read a few years ago about how climate change will work, we are now seeing. In fact, the very worst forecasts of a few years ago are what we are seeing. The consequences of climate change are more dramatic than the forecasts suggested. We see more extreme weather now than in the past. We also have more extreme weather than what climate scientists predicted just a few years ago.
Time for action
The time when we could spew dark smoke from coal-fired factory chimneys must be over. The time when everyone drove a petrol-powered car is soon over. Extreme weather claims thousands of lives every year. Yes, there has always been extreme weather on Earth. But there is no doubt that we now have more extreme heat, extreme drought and extreme storms than in the past.
Solving the global climate crisis requires international agreements. Agreements that are obligations and that are respected. The UN system can be such an arena. The problem until now is that each country sets its own targets, without any form of coercion or sanctions if these are not reached.
We, who consume enormous quantities of goods, also have a good share of the responsibility. We must become better at looking for where a product is produced and not so much for price.
A cheap product made in China can be good for the wallet but expensive for the environment. The choice is ultimately ours.