Burning the Koran is contempt for religion
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Recently, there has been a lot of focus on Koran burning. Especially in Sweden, which makes Turkey’s opposition to Sweden as a NATO member understandable. I consider it that burning a religious scripture is the same as showing contempt or hatred. This has little to do with freedom of speech. Saying and meaning what we want is fundamental in democracy. Showing contempt and hatred has nothing to do with freedom of speech.
Freedom of religious belief
It is a principle for me that all people should be allowed to have the religious faith they want. They must be free to exercise it. It is also a principle for me that we must show respect for other opinions, religions and ethnic groups. Burning a scripture is a symbolic act. It symbolizes the opposite of respect, namely hatred and contempt.
Just as we shouldn’t show contempt for someone verbally, we shouldn’t do it symbolically either. Burning a religious book is a symbolic act. It is of course perfectly OK to be skeptical about the content of a religion. Being able to say that is perfectly fine, provided that it is said in a matter-of-fact way.
Burn the Koran in the name of freedom of speech, right?

After several examples of the Koran being burned in Sweden, I actually wonder what the purpose is. Is it really to show contempt for Muslims in general, or is it to show contempt for the religion? I think actually the burning of the Koran is something else. Such extreme markings are made to promote themselves as I consider it. Promote yourself in extreme environments. This gets a lot of attention in Sweden. Burning the Muslims’ religious book leads to reactions in Muslim countries. Among these countries is the NATO country Turkey. Sweden is perceived to be behind a contempt for the Koran, along with the fact that Sweden has granted asylum to elements that Turkey believes are terrorists. This mix is problematic for Turkey.
The extreme forces that think it is appropriate to burn the Koran take advantage of this. The media attention they get is what they are looking for. They want to show their small group of peers how tough they are.
As I understand it, it is the local police in Sweden who authorise demonstrations that involve burning the Koran. This is Sweden’s problem, but I find it strange that permission is given to show contempt and hatred towards a religion and ethnic group.
Rasmus Paludans löfte till Erdogan: ”Bränner en koran i veckan utanför ambassaden” (aftonbladet.se)
Sweden riots over Quran burning: What is happening? | Explainer News | Al Jazeera